equipping the saints

To Go Into the World

Enchantment thumbnail

New Course

Join Dr. Glenn Sunshine for an engaging new course on the subject of Enchantment. Preview the course with an introductory video summarizing the origin of the word, its earliest uses and implications from medieval culture. What does the concept of enchantment mean for our world today, and how should it influence us as Christians? 

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

It is St. Patrick’s Day. I have been away for the last two weeks helping take care of a new grandchild and her sister, so I haven’t had much time to write. Instead, I’ll offer some links and a prayer associated with Patrick. A Few Links The first is a video I did a...

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Preparing for Lent

Preparing for Lent

Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, is in two days. Lent is the period of preparation for Holy Week and especially the celebration of Easter, but traditionally, there was also a time of preparation for Lent. This preparation time in the western church actually goes back...

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Latest Media

The Significance of Epiphany

The Significance of Epiphany

Today is Epiphany, the day the Western churches celebrate the coming of the Magi to Bethlehem and the Eastern churches commemorate Christ’s baptism....

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history & Culture

informed apologetics

Every Square Inch is dedicated to helping Christians explore and integrate their worldviews, anchoring them firmly in the Bible and the historic Christian tradition. We publish books, articles, and audio and video media and provide live training and teaching resources to equip believers to understand worldviews and their effect on society and to help them grow in the faith, live it more consistently, and communicate it more effectively.


A Biblical Worldview

Proclaiming the sovereignty of christ over every square inch

Every Square Inch Ministries publishes books, articles, podcasts and video media, as well as provides live training and teaching resources to equip believers. These resources give Christians tools to understand worldviews and their effect on society and to help them grow in the faith, live it more consistently, and communicate it more effectively.

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