Webinars & Video Courses
Glenn is available to teach or present seminars on a variety of topics from Christian Worldview and Culture to History and Apologetics.
A Study on Revelation
The Book of Malachi
Past Webinars & Teaching Series
The Book of Hebrews
A multi-part teaching series by Glenn Sunshine

What Happened to Evangelicalism?
Wednesday, July 11, 2020
8:00 PM Eastern

Critical Theory and Racism in America
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
8:00 PM Eastern

Video Course Previews
Christlike Character in Today’s Culture
Strategic Leadership and Communication Lessons From the Reformers
This session explores several examples of each of these and look at their implications for today. In terms of communications, we look at the impact of the printing press for both literate and illiterate culture, including vernacular literature, broadsides, and theological and polemical treatises.
Lessons from the Reformation for Today: Apologetics
Protestant pastors were so well trained that they often knew Catholic theology better than their opponents, and through a combination of live debates and print, they succeeded in spreading Protestant thought across Europe.
Three Theological Methods of the Reformation
Glenn discusses how scholastic methodology required theologians to approach theological questions through integrating their interpretations with existing commentaries and glosses on the Bible, since these represented the tradition of the church.