The Prodcast: Interview with Glenn Sunshine

by | Apologetics, Bible & Theology, Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Glenn Sunshine discusses the historical development and critique of the Radical Two Kingdoms (R2K) view. He traces the origins of the R2K view back to the early church and the Reformation, highlighting the different perspectives on the relationship between the church and the state. Dr. Sunshine argues that Christians have a responsibility to engage in politics and shape policy in accordance with biblical principles. He critiques the idea that cultural engagement is immanentizing the eschaton and emphasizes the importance of understanding the kingdom of God and the gospel in shaping our approach to cultural and political involvement.

In this conversation, Glenn Sunshine discusses the relationship between Christians and politics. He explores different views on Christians’ involvement in politics and highlights the importance of living in the kingdom of Christ while also living in the world. Sunshine emphasizes the need to live now in light of eternity and to recognize that God has placed us where we are for a reason. He explains that the gospel of the kingdom affects every aspect of our lives and calls Christians to live out the lordship of Christ in everything they do.


  1. The R2K view argues that Christians should not be involved in politics and should not try to shape policy based on biblical principles.
  2. Critics of the R2K view argue that Christians have a responsibility to engage in politics and influence policy in accordance with biblical values.
  3. Understanding the kingdom of God and the gospel is crucial in shaping our approach to cultural and political involvement.
  4. The R2K view is a relatively new phenomenon, emerging in the early 21st century, and is not widely accepted among Christians. There are different views on the relationship between Christians and politics, with some advocating for disengagement and others emphasizing the importance of Christians being involved in politics.
  5. Living in the kingdom of Christ means living now in light of eternity and recognizing that our citizenship is in heaven.
  6. God has placed us where we are for a reason and has prepared good works for us to do.
  7. The gospel of the kingdom affects every aspect of our lives, and we are called to live out the lordship of Christ in everything we do.

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