Recovering The Cultural Mandate And The Great Commission

by | Apologetics, Conference, Discipleship, Video

More about the Post Tenebras Lux Conference:

The Lord, in His kindness has been gracious to preserve a remnant of Saints, faithfully plodding, daily donning their
armor, and wielding the Sword of the Spirit in the fighting back of darkness. Their prayers have not returned void. The veil
is being lifted as the Spirit has been at work these last several years, effectively breaking the spell of these cowardly
tongues. So-called Shepherds who once enjoyed the cover of esteem and respectability among the sheep, have now
been revealed to be jackals and blind guides in shepherd’s clothing. The warning cries have gone out, and the beacons
have been lit. Faithful torch bearers are igniting the beacons along mountain and hilltops, along the sea coasts and
byways across the land. Word of the loosening power of the spell of darkness has begun to spread quickly, signaling the
Saints to once more pick up the Banner of Truth. A loud shout goes forth from the frontlines, “Post Tenebras Lux!” After
the darkness, light.”


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