The Story of the Celtic Cross
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I'm reposting an article on the Celtic Cross that I wrote years ago that is no...
The Sacramental World
We live in a sacramental world. St. Augustine defined a sacrament as “a visible sign of an invisible grace.” In other words, it is an outward sign...
Worldview Changes
Over my 27 years of teaching at Central Connecticut State University, the worldviews of the students changed significantly. Two changes stand out in...
More thoughts on AI
In last week’s post, I reviewed John Lennox’s book 2084 about AI. This week saw a controversy erupt over bias in AI. When Gemini, Google's AI...
The Prodcast: Interview with Glenn Sunshine
In this episode, Dr. Glenn Sunshine discusses the historical development and critique of the...
Book Review: John C. Lennox, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity
For those wondering what to make of AI, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity by the brilliant John C. Lennox offers a great...
History and Practices of Lent
A summary of the history of Lent and the historical practices associated with it, along with suggestions...
The Christian and Holistic Health
In the fitness world today, yoga is big business. Classes are popping up all over, and some are even marketed as “Christian yoga.” But at the same...
Epistemology Has Consequences
Ideas tend to sprout up in academia, but the ones that matter do not stay there. Even when birthed in seemingly abstract fields like epistemology...
Marsilius of Padua on the Relationship of Church and State
Seven hundred years ago, Italian scholar Marsilius of Padua helped lay the foundation for our modern ideas of popular sovereignty. In his book...