True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism
True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism, edited by Tom Gilson and Carson Weitnauer, launches today! It's a response to the New...
New book on the Image of God now available!
My latest book, entitled The Image of God, is now available in print and in e-book form. The easiest place to find it in print is probably on...
Portals: Entering Your Neighbor’s World is now available
Portals: Entering Your Neighbor's World is now available at Amazon both paperback and for Kindle, and at Smashwords for other e-book formats. Check...
Portals e-book available
Portals: Entering Your Neighbor's World is now available for all e-readers, including Kindle, at Smashwords. It is also available at Amazon's Kindle...
Under Construction
The site is under construction. New content supporting Portals, including videos, will be coming online soon, and other books and resources will be...