The Seven Penitential Psalms

The Seven Penitential Psalms

In my previous post on Lent and the accompanying video, I focused on fasting and abstinence (“giving something up for Lent”) as central elements of...

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Sola Scriptura and the Creed

Sola Scriptura and the Creed

So far in this series, we have talked about the reason for the Council of Nicaea and its decision affirmed in the Nicene Creed, Constantine’s role...

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An Election Post Mortem

An Election Post Mortem

The election is all but over. Trump won in a landslide, Republicans took the Senate, and probably the House (that’s still up for grabs for some...

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Christ and the Feasts

Christ and the Feasts The Feasts of the Old Testament are intimately connected to key events in Jesus' life and the founding...

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