Coram Deo Church hosted the 2024 Reformation Celebration on November 3rd in Bremerton, Washington.
An Election Post Mortem
The election is all but over. Trump won in a landslide, Republicans took the Senate, and probably the House (that’s still up for grabs for some...
Yes, Vote, but Resist the Political Illusion
Christian discipleship should offer the way forward for our country.
A Prayer for Election Day
No matter who wins, apart from God’s intervention, the slide into evil will continue.
Standing, Kneeling, and Sitting: Postures for Prayer
Prayer in the Bible In the Bible, people prayed using several postures, most of which we do not use today. In...
A Prayer for Our Nation
A prayer from Dr. Glenn Sunshine. Nations like ours are set up so that, typically, we get the leaders we...
The Need for Pastoral Accountability
Recent church scandals involving prominent leaders in the Reformed and Charismatic worlds join a long and depressing list of pastors and ministry...
Some Thoughts on Baptism
When Protestants (and I’m including Baptists in this category) talk about baptism, they usually focus on...
Remembering St. Augustine of Hippo
On August 28, 430, St. Augustine of Hippo died. Perhaps the most important father of the early Church, Augustine’s writings shaped Western theology...
Christ and the Feasts The Feasts of the Old Testament are intimately connected to key events in Jesus' life and the founding...
Intellectual Bend Podcast: Discipleship and Advancing God’s Kingdom Dr. Glenn Sunshine lectured on how God's Kingdom is advancing in...
Celtic Christianity Reading List
Since my short video on St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity and my article The Story of the Celtic Cross, several people have contacted me for a...
The Sacramental World
We live in a sacramental world. St. Augustine defined a sacrament as “a visible sign of an invisible grace.” In other words, it is an outward sign...
A Brief Introduction to Fasting
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that was practiced by Jesus and early Christians and that today is practiced in many places around the world today...
A Brief Introduction to Fasting
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that was practiced by Jesus and early Christians and that today is practiced in many places around the world today...