If you are not familiar with Eugene Terekhin’s substack, you should be. He publishes invariably interesting short articles daily. Last week, one in...
Victorian and Modern Advent and Christmas Traditions
In the previous post, I looked at two Advent and Christmas traditions with roots in the Middle Ages, crèches and caroling. There are others, of...
Sword & Staff Multiverse: Christmas and Paganism with Glenn Sunshine
Glenn Sunshine of the Theology Pugcast and Every Square Inch Ministries joins Coleman to talk about the history of Christmas and its relationship to...
On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Overcoming Functional Deism In The Modern Church
Dr. Glenn Sunshine presents at the 2024 Post Tenebras Lux conference in Tacoma, Washington. https://youtu.be/Lhx3Uc7hvEA?si=uW62OxMYqvD0Yzq0
The TC Cook Show Podcast: Trump Won… Now What?
TC sits down with author, podcaster, historian, and retired professor Dr. Glenn Sunshine to discuss...
Recovering The Discarded Image: Sobering Up From The Enlightenment Hangover
Sacral Community in a World in Crisis – Reformation Celebration 2024
Coram Deo Church hosted the 2024 Reformation Celebration on November 3rd in Bremerton, Washington.
An Election Post Mortem
The election is all but over. Trump won in a landslide, Republicans took the Senate, and probably the House (that’s still up for grabs for some...
A Prayer for Election Day
No matter who wins, apart from God’s intervention, the slide into evil will continue.
Quodlibet: Apocalypse
What is Apocalyptic Literature? How should we read or understand such writings? Is it indeed the end of the world as we know it?......
Samhain and Halloween
At about this time of year, we regularly see lots of arguments about why Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween. Some say that it’s a...
Living in Wonder: Rod Dreher on Recovering Enchantment
Several years ago, when I was working on The Kingdom Unleashed, I attended a lecture by Os Guinness. We’d been acquainted for several years, so when...
A Pugcast Pilgrimage: Lewis, Oxford, and Our Postmodern Age
Follow C.R. Wiley, Glenn Sunshine, and Dr. Thomas Price as they travel to the home turf of Lewis, Tolkien, and the Inklings. The Pugcast crew...
Remembering Doris Brougham
In August, Doris Brougham, a missionary for 72 years, died at age 98. Doris’s life demonstrates the potential impact a person can have when...
Life and Death in the Negative World
I went to the Touchstone Conference last week. The theme, “At Cross Purposes: Life and Death in the Negative...