The Meaning in Cathedrals

The Meaning in Cathedrals

When I got the news about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris back in 2019, I felt much the same way I did on 9/11. I lived for a time in...

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Churchill Wasn’t the Bad Guy

Churchill Wasn’t the Bad Guy

Last week’s online controversy was the interview with Darryl Cooper, whom host Tucker Carlson called “(maybe) the best and most honest popular...

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The Christian and Holistic Health

The Christian and Holistic Health

In the fitness world today, yoga is big business. Classes are popping up all over, and some are even marketed as “Christian yoga.” But at the same...

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A Tale of Two Revolutions, Part 1

“History is a vast early warning system.” —Norman Cousins A Bit of History Europe in the second half of the eighteenth century was a mess.  On the...

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