A discussion of the apparent differences in the date of Passover during Holy week in the Synoptic...
History and Practices of Lent
A summary of the history of Lent and the historical practices associated with it, along with suggestions...
Advent through the Ages: The O Antiphons
As Christmas approaches, I always find myself connecting to the past, both my family’s history and beyond that to the more distant history of the...
Does Christmas Have Pagan Roots?
Every year at Christmas time we hear arguments that our Christmas celebrations are little more than warmed over paganism. We hear that the date was...
Death at Christmas
Hope in the Face of Darkness Back in 2012, a friend of mine who was a pastor in Hartford, Connecticut, asked me to preach at his church. I was...
Glenn Sunshine on Christianity and Halloween
Should Christians participate in Halloween? Glenn Sunshine comes back on the podcast to discuss the...
Maundy Thursday: the Mandate to “Love one another”
Maundy, from the same root as “mandate,” refers to the commandment Jesus gave his disciples on the...
Advent Devotional: December 23
December 23: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 22
December 22: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 21
December 21: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 20
December 20: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 19
December 19: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 18
December 18: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Advent Devotional: December 17
December 17: These are based on the O Antiphons, traditionally said during church services from December 17 to December 23; they are also the basis...
Lenten Reflections
Lent is a period of 40 days preceding the celebration of Christ’s Passion. The word itself in English comes from an Old English word for Spring,...