St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

It is St. Patrick’s Day. I have been away for the last two weeks helping take care of a new grandchild and her sister, so I haven’t had much time to...

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Sola Scriptura and the Creed

Sola Scriptura and the Creed

So far in this series, we have talked about the reason for the Council of Nicaea and its decision affirmed in the Nicene Creed, Constantine’s role...

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Constantine at Nicaea

Constantine at Nicaea

There are a number of frankly bizarre conspiracy theories about the Council of Nicaea’s decision to affirm the deity of Christ, most of which...

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1700 Years Ago …

1700 Years Ago …

This year is the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which met to settle the Arian controversy. These days, the Council itself seems to be...

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Historical Tour of Ireland

Historical Tour of Ireland

This summer, I will be leading a historical tour of Ireland. The tour, which will include both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, will...

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The Twelve Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas

In American culture, we think of the Christmas season as the time leading up to Christmas. Christmas celebrations frequently last only a few days,...

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The Meaning in Cathedrals

The Meaning in Cathedrals

When I got the news about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris back in 2019, I felt much the same way I did on 9/11. I lived for a time in...

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Samhain and Halloween

Samhain and Halloween

At about this time of year, we regularly see lots of arguments about why Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween. Some say that it’s a...

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What Happened in the Atonement?

What Happened in the Atonement?

Theologians have offered a variety of theories about the nature of salvation and what happened in the Atonement. Early Theories One of the earliest...

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