What Happened in the Atonement?

What Happened in the Atonement?

Theologians have offered a variety of theories about the nature of salvation and what happened in the Atonement. Early Theories One of the earliest...

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Christ and the Feasts

Christ and the Feasts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoQ6M8uYLOc The Feasts of the Old Testament are intimately connected to key events in Jesus' life and the founding...

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Join Dr. Sunshine for some often overlooked themes from the Last Supper. https://youtu.be/i9d8bJ42kG4

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The Sacramental World

The Sacramental World

We live in a sacramental world. St. Augustine defined a sacrament as “a visible sign of an invisible grace.” In other words, it is an outward sign...

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