Since in Genesis 1, the description of humanity focuses entirely on the image of God, it follows that this is the most essential element of what it means to be human. But this in turn has implications well beyond dominion and stewardship. In particular, it provides the only real foundation for human dignity and human rights.
Sola Scriptura and the Creed
So far in this series, we have talked about the reason for the Council of Nicaea and its decision affirmed in the Nicene Creed, Constantine’s role...
Enchantment Course – Teaser Video: Medieval Astronomy
How does the medieval view of astronomy influence our contemporary understanding of enchantment?
The Further Development of the Nicene Creed
In the first post in our series for the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, I looked at the Arian controversy and the Council’s conclusion...
Constantine at Nicaea
There are a number of frankly bizarre conspiracy theories about the Council of Nicaea’s decision to affirm the deity of Christ, most of which...
Candlemas and the Coming of Spring
The beginning of February is an important time both in the church year and in traditional calendars. Biblical Foundations In the church year,...
The Image of God: Chapter 1
The Image of God and Stewardship To be human One of the most important statements in Scripture about what it means to be human occurs in the very...
1700 Years Ago …
This year is the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which met to settle the Arian controversy. These days, the Council itself seems to be...
The Significance of Epiphany
Today is Epiphany, the day the Western churches celebrate the coming of the Magi to Bethlehem and the Eastern churches commemorate Christ’s baptism....
Christmas Paradoxes
The infinite became finite, the eternal and supratemporal entered time and became subject to its conditions, the immutable became mutable, the...
Advent and the Many Comings of Christ
For My Non-Liturgical Friends: A Quick Introduction to the Church Year The church year takes us on a liturgical journey through the story of our...
On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Overcoming Functional Deism In The Modern Church
Dr. Glenn Sunshine presents at the 2024 Post Tenebras Lux conference in Tacoma, Washington.
Sacral Community in a World in Crisis – Reformation Celebration 2024
Coram Deo Church hosted the 2024 Reformation Celebration on November 3rd in Bremerton, Washington.
Church and State
How Christianity invented the conflict between church and state
A Prayer for Election Day
No matter who wins, apart from God’s intervention, the slide into evil will continue.