This Breakpoint was originally published on February 21, 2023. ___ Two weeks ago, what started as a routine (and, according to the preacher, “lackluster”) chapel service at Asbury University became something remarkable. Instead of heading off to classes, students...
An overview of biblical views of labor and wealth, starting from Genesis and continuing through Scripture and church history. This lecture was prepared for the Christian Open Academy in...
As Christmas approaches, I always find myself connecting to the past, both my family’s history and beyond that to the more distant history of the church through the ages. Perhaps I do that because the theme of Advent (the season of the church year that begins four...
An update on the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Elizabeth Sunshine Koroma. This is based on the legend that St. Nicholas slapped Arius for being a heretic at the Council of Nicaea in AD...