A Pugcast Pilgrimage: Lewis, Oxford, and Our Postmodern Age

by | Arts & Media, C.S. Lewis, Church History, Culture & Society, Historical Tours, Video

Follow C.R. Wiley, Glenn Sunshine, and Dr. Thomas Price as they travel to the home turf of Lewis, Tolkien, and the Inklings. The Pugcast crew discuss the insights of these merry old Oxford scholars and their place in our contemporary chaos.

*Available with a Canon+ subscription

Pugcast Pilgrimate
Pugcast Pilgrimate
theology pugcast only
theology pugcast only

The Theology Pugcast is three over-educated Reformed guys grumbling about what bugs them, and sometimes even barking about what they like. The topics can vary widely seeing as the Pugsters have different spheres of knowledge and interest, but common themes which appear regularly include the transcendence of God and the meaningfulness of His creation. theologypugcast.com


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